Friday, August 26, 2011

2011 Garden, Part 7- Garden Guessing Game Answer

It's a...

Here are some other cucumbers that Josh found- not so pretty!
Speaking of not very pretty, here's a look at our weed invested garden these days.  Just keeping it real here, folks.  Maybe we should start calling it a jungle instead of a garden.
Titus says, "This place is a mess.  Do I dare go in?"
Titus is the only one doing any weeding!
At least the okra is taller than the weeds.
Remember what the garden looked like a couple of months ago after I weeded?  Sigh...
I took a short walk through the jungle this morning.  We still have tomato plants blooming, but no fruit.  Peppers are doing ok- we need to harvest a few.  I found some cantaloupe that should be ready soon, and of course the okra is still going crazy.  Josh says there are watermelons out there somewhere, but I didn't see them (I wonder why!)
So it has definitely been a hard year, but we are learning and will hopefully improve next year.  At least we know we can grow weeds!

1 comment:

Captain Y and Plant Girl said...

Those are some crazy looking cucumbers. Our garden has turned into a crunchy mess. The only thing still producing is the chives and the basil is mostly alive.