Monday, April 4, 2011

2011 Garden, Part 2

Well, we're definitely making progress with the garden set up.  Here's what we accomplished this weekend.
We brought home the last of the mulch and Josh plowed it all with his new toy.

We repositioned the old garden entrance and put up our electric netting.  We just lack a gate now.

A close-up of our electric netting.  This should keep out most of the critters we're concerned about.

Titus enjoying his last opportunity to lay in the garden before he gets kicked out.

I dug the trenches and Josh laid out 5 rows of soaker hoses (some rows got double hoses).
We still need to run the electricity to the fence and build a gate.  Oh yeah- I guess we need to plant something too!  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Thomas, Becca, and Bailey said...

What are you going to plant? So excited that we may get a taste of something you grow!