Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Well, opening chapel is over, so the school year has officially begun.  If you went to a Christian university, you know all about how big opening chapel is.  ACU is no different.  We begin with the faculty walking in in their regalia.  Here is Josh walking in:

Then comes the parade of flags.  It starts with a flag from each country that has a student attending ACU.  Then come the state flags from USA.  Of course TX is saved for last and the flag carrier must wear boots, a cowboy hat, and wave that flag proudly.  Every other flag is lowered as the TX flag passes by- this is some serious TX pride!  Here is a video of the end of the parade of flags: 
Parade of flags, TX pride

Opening chapel would not be complete without speeches, traditional songs, scripture and prayer.  It really is neat to be a part of this ACU tradition again.  Plus, this year we have a new university president, so he was inaugurated today as well.  Overall, a great morning at ACU and a great start to our 2nd year working here.

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