Monday, January 12, 2009

Roadtrip to Abilene

I decided to make a quick trip to Abilene this weekend and visit some of Josh's family. Some of them knew I was coming, and it was a surprise for others. I hadn't been there in 4 1/2 years, and I haven't made the drive from Albuquerque in over 7 years. The drive was kinda fun because I was reminded of things we just don't see very much in WA. So for those of you who don't drive through West Texas (and far eastern NM), let me tell you about some things you might experience if you ever do...
1. wide open spaces- very, very flat land that truly seems to go on forever
2. GIANT tumbleweeds- I had one the size of a xmas tree slam into the side of my car!
3. noticeably increasing roadkill as you drive east
4. lots and lots of trains
5. the almost constant smell of cows, skunks or oil
6. day/night speed limits- you must slow down at night because 5 mph is really going to make a difference
7. people can say "y'all" as much as they want and nobody looks at them funny
8. beautiful sunsets (see pic)
9. wind farms (see pic)
10. mistletoe growing in trees (see pic)
11. brown horizons- not from smog, just dust in the air
12. wind, and lots of it
13. lots of oil horses- that's what I call them (see pic)
14. United supermarkets
15. Cotton fields

I saved the best for last. Shelly, this is totally for you.

You might be a redneck if ...

you paint "REDNECK!!!!" on the back of your pickup!The driver of this truck also had a mullet! I missed a turn to take this picture, but I think it was totally worth it.


Anonymous said...

It does my heart good to know that the mullet lives on!! LOVE the truck- you know he had a belt buckle bigger than his head. I hope you had a great time visiting Josh's family- I'm sure they loved seeing you!!

Thomas, Becca, and Bailey said...

So funny! I have to add one more thing to your list--big nasty bugs that splat on your windshield (but maybe that doesn't happen as much in the winter). I hope you had a great trip!